Harper the Egomaniac

Despite Stephen Harper's threat to retool the Canada 35,000,000 Canadians know and love before an election ... he still won!
And he is changing Canada at WARP SPEED, creating a record deficit in just two years, ordering military equipment worth $100,000,000,000, which our country can ill afford and selling off our natural resources to the Chinese.
Too many people did not vote in 2011 and Harper got his majority with just 39% of the ballots cast, giving him the go-ahead to destroy the Canada we love.
Perhaps this record of "comics," as we follow his stupidy for four years, will help to jog some voters in the next election to give him the boot.

And Remember!

Humour ... when reality is too ridiculous!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Tar Sands - How Many Will Its Toxins Murder?

Ezra Levant, SUN TVs main mouthpiece is in a YouTube losing it on a Native Canadian who used the term "holocaust" to define the Tar Sands toxin deaths in Northern Alberta.
The term holocaust in its meaning is NOT first and foremost what happened in WW2.
The chap was right when he called Canada's deaths an "industrial holocaust.
The word has been around for centuries and is defined as, "great destruction or loss of life or the source of such destruction".

Here's part 1 of (I believe) 3 in all.
I stomached Part 1, mainly because Ezra let a gentleman speak. Part 3 remains unseen; who needs more of Ezra's bullying and racist comments? The other parts are readily available on YouTube, probably on the right margin if you watch this one on YouTube.

In honour of Ezra's taunting that the Tar Sands is also not a holocaust, which IT IS!!! ...