Follow the paper trails
below and be sick.
Be very sick!
Harpergate Exhibit #1
First thing noticed: Jason Kenney and Ethical Oil are in bed together! From this, concerned people from coast to coast have been digging and some surprising documents have been unearthed!
Harpergate Exhibit #2
Ethical Oil DOT org is NOT just "a small grass roots organization" as their spokesperson said January 12, 2012 on CBC's Evan Solomon show. It is owned by Ezra Levant, Harper's mouthpiece on Sun TV.
LINK to the Full Report for Harpergate Exhibit #2
Harpergate Exhibit #3
Well now, look at this ... Kenney, Ethical Oil AND Sun TV all have the same IP Address, putting a very, very, very solid connection to entities that claim full independence!
Harpergate Exhibit #4
LINK to Deep Climate's, "Ethical Oil political connections, part 1: Conservatives “Go Newclear”
Harpergate Exhibit #5
(AKA Bad-a-Boom. Bad-a-Ching)
(AKA Bad-a-Boom. Bad-a-Ching)
Wait!!! When you donate to Ethical Oil, it appears like you are donating to the pockets of Tony Clement?
Don't think so? Look where you send your money to "Ethical Oil" on the first form, then look whose private box you are sending the money to on the second.
Bad-a-Boom. Bad-a-Ching! Tony the jackass controls the money!
Starting to think the RCMP should investigate. Uh. Their detectives boss is appointed by Tony's boss. That's no good.
Maybe the Auditor General should investigate. Uh no. He is also appointed by Tony's boss.
Tony the Jackass Clement, (or is it Jack Ass), might be controlling all the Ethical Oil money!!! And after his $50,000,000 border boondoggle I wouldn't trust him with Saturday's receipts from a kid's paper route!
Harpergate Exhibit #6
Connecting the Ethical Oilsters
LINK to Pacific Free Press, " and the Harper Government"
Harpergate Exhibit #7
Oil and Harper: Connecting the Dots
LINK to "Cozy Ties: Astroturf 'Ethical Oil' and Conservative Alliance to Promote Tar Sands Expansion"