Harper the Egomaniac

Despite Stephen Harper's threat to retool the Canada 35,000,000 Canadians know and love before an election ... he still won!
And he is changing Canada at WARP SPEED, creating a record deficit in just two years, ordering military equipment worth $100,000,000,000, which our country can ill afford and selling off our natural resources to the Chinese.
Too many people did not vote in 2011 and Harper got his majority with just 39% of the ballots cast, giving him the go-ahead to destroy the Canada we love.
Perhaps this record of "comics," as we follow his stupidy for four years, will help to jog some voters in the next election to give him the boot.

And Remember!

Humour ... when reality is too ridiculous!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Liars, Crooks & CONS

Comments Received
These eight pigs are supposed to be the most competent and intelligent representitives of our government, the inner circle of the Harper cabinet. Yet their incompetence, stupidity, self entitlement, sheer arrogance and total disregard for the protocols they swore to uphold is a kick in the groin for any Canadian that believes in the democratic process. Yet too many Canadians don't give as flying fuck, and thus these criminal pigs will continue to screw us. And people wonder why I'm pissed off?
Canada you need to wake up!!
Canada's Bush Administration...
Lower than low - every last one of them!
Canadians will only wake up when it effects them directly, and by that time it will be too late. Spread the word, and talk to people, and increase the movement.
And the list continues to grow against these criminals. enough is enough.
Watching daily QP in the HOC one might wonder why this gov't is so defensive about the attacks by the opposition when they are so obviously innocent of all wrong doing. Makes you wonder doesn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not us they cry as they read off their scripts.
Liars, crooks & CONS/corporatists are infecting the world with greed and corruption as they rape & pillage the earth and it's people.
When will people F____ wake up, do the research and push for more investigative documentaries! It's sad to see how the majority of the populace believes in the current paradigm of politics and especially the News media that dishes it out -- packaged like a product ready to eat. The gullibility of the public is hopeless.
If this were the corporate world, then we are the worst employers for not letting them go...
WAKE UP! Things are not good, and we need to tell our leaders that we won't take it anymore!
InfoGraphics are the new posters. Nice culture jam that!
It's long past the time for Canada to sit up and pay attention! The time for action is NOW!
These guys are liars, cheats and thieves. A very scary bunch! The only government in the British Empire to be held in contempt of Parliment in 400 years, Only one to have stolen an election. The G20 and the 51 million dollars worth of goodies for my riding. No pensions for our Vets. The list goes on and on and on.... Wake up.
I hate his government... They are blatant... could care less how obvious their lies and deceit are. Good god they cooked the books ... two sets. I was raised in a Conservative household. My father is a card carrying Con. Having said this ... these are NOT Consevatives. They are the the CRAP party... Conservative, REform Alliance Party.... I think Canadians through apathy have allowed all parties to slip to the lowest common denominator. The bar is SO low that you can trip over it! Yes I hate this party, their blantant disregard for democracy is shameful. Perhaps we can agree that ALL parties need to have greater expectations from their representatives and those who break the law should receive their just punishment!
It is sad indeed to see what has become of our political system.
All of this was reported in the news at some point over the year - and they all still have their jobs...
They all should be fired! WITHOUT PENSIONS!
Rupert Murdoch was deemed unfit to run a business for doing this very same crap.
How many people does it take to change the way we are abused?
WAKE UP CANADA, and save yourself. We must rid our fine country of the Conservatives . . . next and everyone opportunity Vote Them OUT!
Make me puke.
Your one stop for the truth about the twunts who stole the highest office in Canada.
Put it this way--the odious shit Mulroney did is downright benign compared to what Stevie wants to do. Lyin' Brian may have been an asshole, but he wasn't a paranoid control freak asshole like Steven W. Bush. History has recorded other rulers just like that; they tended to become tyrants.
We have to wake up!
seriously WAKE UP CANANDA!!
Lock up the lying bastards.
Rome is burning.
I recommend that you hang these pictures up in your bathroom, very soon the cramps will come, better than fibre!!
They're all scum.
Stop these people, before they reduce you to "their personal stepping stone" status. It is bad enough they have already pushed you the Canadian citizens aside for their inflated bank accounts.
I've had it with Politicians. Every time I get really charged on an issue and vote for someone, they change their stance as soon as they get in office.
And we all pay for these bozos...makes you sick.
In the end you will be by ruled hypocrites and liars.
‎... it's time to get every one engaged in this. talk to your friends. bring it up as a topic of discussion wherever you are. we have to bring it to the level of the COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE!
We must come together in the common goal to end this nonsense. It is not a partisan question anymore, Harper must go!
Stop being complacent!
We're being governed by some of the worst criminals in our history right now and they have impunity to do whatever they want ...& at present their goal seems to make the middle class poor & the poor homeless, while destroying our environment at the same time!
Harper is a mad man on a bad mission & he has free reign because we had the lowest voter turn out in our history largely due to the robo call scandal that caused a lot of people to not show up at the polls.
CONS Are crooks.
Unbelievable! this government is the worst thing that has happened to this country!
it's the corporate world that KEEPS them in "power"... if they worked for the citizens instead, they'd be tossed out on their arses faster than you can say "bobble-heads". These politicians are nothing more than marionettes, they have No Minds whatsoever, let alone a conscience. To get to where they are they must've "f...ed" someone/something along the way.