Harper the Egomaniac

Despite Stephen Harper's threat to retool the Canada 35,000,000 Canadians know and love before an election ... he still won!
And he is changing Canada at WARP SPEED, creating a record deficit in just two years, ordering military equipment worth $100,000,000,000, which our country can ill afford and selling off our natural resources to the Chinese.
Too many people did not vote in 2011 and Harper got his majority with just 39% of the ballots cast, giving him the go-ahead to destroy the Canada we love.
Perhaps this record of "comics," as we follow his stupidy for four years, will help to jog some voters in the next election to give him the boot.

And Remember!

Humour ... when reality is too ridiculous!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Spotting Fake CON Voters for Dummies

How could I NOT resist this one!
It has been found that the Conservatives use fake actors when portraying a citizenship show on SUN TV, (which fakes were apparently approved by SUN TV management).
Makes me wonder, since Harper is out to control anything and everything from the Governor General, RCMP, Caucus, Cabinet, Parliament, Supreme Court, (oh, not yet! LOL), Senate, et cetera et cetera ... does it not seem plausible that over the next three years he will try to control Elections Canada as well, thereby fixing the outcome of the next General Election?
Against the law you say? What's contempt of Parliament? A Sunday picnic?