Harper the Egomaniac

Despite Stephen Harper's threat to retool the Canada 35,000,000 Canadians know and love before an election ... he still won!
And he is changing Canada at WARP SPEED, creating a record deficit in just two years, ordering military equipment worth $100,000,000,000, which our country can ill afford and selling off our natural resources to the Chinese.
Too many people did not vote in 2011 and Harper got his majority with just 39% of the ballots cast, giving him the go-ahead to destroy the Canada we love.
Perhaps this record of "comics," as we follow his stupidy for four years, will help to jog some voters in the next election to give him the boot.

And Remember!

Humour ... when reality is too ridiculous!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Harper Caucus Going Bananas

This cartoon was more than ironic!!!
It was developed BEFORE the Chiquita Banana announcement.
Weeks before Chiquita stepped up to the plate I designed this because I felt Canada had become little more than a banana republic the way Harper was governing the country.
Then Chiquita announced they were against the Tar Sands!
Well Jason Kenney, one of Harper's capos went on record that he would stop eating Chiquita bananas.
Doesn't this all sound like when we were kids, when the little boy took his football home because he was not allowed to play quarterback?
Chicquita's Directors are in there Boardroom quivering that Jason Kenney is on their case. Ya right! That, and Harper is going to replace Montreal's bridges before he spends $100,000,000,000 on jet planes and ships.